Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Rheinland goes crazy

Tomorrow is Altweiber. All shops will close, and the carnival will be celebrated on the streets. Everyone will wear costumes, dance and sing carnival songs. Although I am not a fan of buying costumes for just one day, at least I tried some of them on. :D

Funky ...

Jailbird costume :)

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Leapsa de voci

I was tagged by Simona, with the "vocal tag" ("leapsa vocala"). Hmm, 3 of my favourite voices in romanian music industry? Simplu .. (not the band) ;)

1. Andra (and here)
2. Holograf
3. Celia

Tag goes further to Bianca and Marius :)

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Un blog interesant

Iata un blog care merita tot respectul! E al lui Marius Ursache, fondatorul Grapefruit. In fiecare an, cam jurul Craciunului, omul isi alege o destinatie exotica si porneste, incercand sa evite pe cat posibil drumurile batute des de turisti. Cititi mai multe aici ...

Monday, January 07, 2008

Winter holidays

I just came back from Romania, where I've had great times with my relatives and friends. The new year's eve caught me and my girlfriend in Baile Herculane, a wonderful resort with thermal spas in the South-Western part of Romania.

All the above pictures are from Baile Herculane. To see more, visit my Picasaweb gallery.

Above is the entry to Brancusi House Museum; very traditional. Check out other pictures here.